研究生 员工工作
发布时间:2015-10-21  点击次数:

宣讲对象: 全职

宣讲会场地: 就业中心卓越厅

宣讲会日期: 2015-10-26

宣讲会时间段: 晚上

详细起止时间: 19:00-21:30

招聘网址: 进入公司招聘网址






1. 根据产品工程,科学和生产的需求,设计,开发,维护系统软件和固件,并撰写相应的


2. 在软件系统开发周期内,应用适当的流程,开发标准,工具,以支持半导体设备在工程上的应用。


1. 软件相关专业本科、硕士。

2. 熟悉设备测量和控制软件,有算法相关软件设计经验。

3. 一年以上软件设计经验, 能独立编制软件设计文档,至少2个以上项目的工作经验。

4. 在Windows、Linux下优秀的C++编程经验。

5. 熟悉软件开发流程,最好有硬件控制方面软件开发经验。

6. 快速学习能力,能承受较大工作压力。

7. 善于团队合作,按时合作完成项目。

8. 熟悉图像处理。

9. 良好的英语读写和口语,去美国出差培训。





1. 和软件工程师,系统工程师紧密合作,保证软件质量。

2. 提供有效的测试用例以发现更多的软件bug。

3. 在软件功能上和软件工程师合作,并提供有效的建议以发现软件中潜在的问题。

4. 依据测试用例进行充分的软件测试。

5. 依据软件用例编写自动测试脚本。

6. 在软件补丁包发布给客户前,进行软件bug修正的验证。

7. 在软件版本发布变更时,修改安装脚本。

8. 协助提高软件流程。

9. 最好有软件开发经验。


1. 至少两个项目软件测试用例编写经验。

2. 软件测试流程方面的知识,能很快定位软件bug,并能向开发人员描述清晰。

3. 熟悉软件流程,熟悉CMM.

4. 快速掌握新知识,愿意承担较大工作压力。

5. 具备团队合作精神,按时提交项目。较好的英语读写和口语表达,支持全球客户并赴美国出差培训。

职位名称: 算法工程师






· 电子工程、计算机或相关专业硕士、博士学位

· 在以下的某一或多方面具备较强的背景知识:图像处理,计算机视觉,模式识别,机器学习等

· 具备优秀的数学功底及分析能力

· 熟练掌握C/C++及面对对象编程

· 具备良好的口头及书面沟通能力

· 能够合理根据优先级的顺序同时处理多项工作任务


· 具备光学、计算机架构或数值方法等方面的知识

· 具备在Linux/Unix环境下编程的经验

· 具备Matlab或其他算法原型语言的开发经验

· 具备较强的线性系统优化和线性代数方面的背景知识

· 具备源代码管理软件以及C++代码优化的经验




This job opening is in the KLA-Tencor’s RAPID (Reticle And Photomask Inspection Division) product division. There will be two main areas of responsibility: internal and external product support.

The internal product support will focus on:

Product development and characterization

Product demonstration for customer use-cases

Internal Alpha tests

Travel to RAPID division may be required:

RAPID division is located in Milpitas (Silicon Valley, northern California), USA

The external product support will focus on:

External Beta tests

Competitive head-to-head activities

Support for RAPID pilot tools and customer production ramp up

Troubleshoot existing RAPID products with minimum impact to customers’ production flow

Travel to customer sites will be required:

RAPID’s customers are located in USA, Germany, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and other east-Asian countries and regions.

For both internal and external support, the employee is expected to document test results and lessons learned in BKMs (Best Known Methods), training documents, or Demo, Alpha, or Beta reports. The employee may also be asked to conduct training classes for internal and external engineers. The employee may also be responsible for publishing papers at industry symposiums or in technical journals.

To achieve satisfactory results, the employee is expected to work closely with many other function groups in RAPID including Engineering, Sales and Marketing. The employee is also expected to work closely with external customer engineers; when doing so, the employee must represent KLA-Tencor in a professional manner that will build trust and long lasting working relationships.

The employee is expected to travel 50% of the time to customer sites and RAPID division in Milpitas California, USA.

Preferred Qualifications:

Bachelor’s level degree in a technical field with at least 8 years of experience in related industry


Master’s level degree in a technical field with at least 6 years of experience in related industry


Doctorate (Academic) in a technical field with at least 2 years of experience in related industry

The individual must have excellent communication, organization, analytical and interpersonal skills. The individual must also be self-driven, yet a strong team player.

The individual must be able to communicate in English through email, conference calls and face-to-face meetings.

Verbal and written communication skills in Korean, Japanese, or German are a plus but not a requirement.

Some experience with C++ or MATLAB is a plus

Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor’s for Master’s level degree in a technical field with at least 2 years of experience in related industry


Doctorate (Academic) in a technical field

The individual must be able to communicate in English through email, conference calls and face-to-face meetings.





提供关于overlay 和光刻关键尺寸量测系统的高级应用支持。


开展新产品引入项目,例如:产品特性,alpha 测试,beta测试, 新产品起步的设备支持。



为客户提供应用支持和培训,同时还要负责起BKM(best known method)文件以及其他培训材料的制作,并将产品信息分享给K-T全球范围的现场应用团队。


















-熟知Or CAD等电路原理图绘制和布线软件












1. 总体负责和参与各关键子系统的开发,包括初始概念设计、详细设计、验收交付以及后续维护等。针对相关需求或问题,提出自己的技术方案并推进执行。

2. 与开发团队的其它成员(机械/电子/软件工程师)紧密合作,针对产品的具体设计提出反馈意见或建议从而加以完善。

3. 在许多项目开发或问题求解过程中起到主导作用,为各项目成员分配任务,明确其任务范围和要求,从而推动项目的快速完成。系统工程师还需要根据产品各个部件的性能,结合恰当的数理统计方法和物理模型来分析产品的综合性能指标。

4. 能够自主分析并解决各种复杂的光机电系统问题,并针对所发现问题的预防措施和早期发现起草指导文件。

5. 对现有产品有深入的了解,当相关产品在客户处产生问题时能及时赶赴现场并协助解决问题。该职位大约有25%的时间需要出差(包括国内和国外出差)。

6. 在产品交付客户时参与现场测试工作并最终通过客户的验收。

7. 协助产品制造部门完成机器集成装配、最终测试和交付运送等工作。

8. 协助客户服务部门完成新产品引入、技术文档撰写以及客户现场支持等工作。



1. 取得以下专业的硕士或博士学位:光学/电子工程/物理/应用物理

2. 有光学仪器或电学仪器的设计和检测经验

3. 对数字信号发生器、数据采集系统、示波器、锁相放大器以及XY运动台等各类实验室设备有实际使用经验

4. 了解半导体器件和物理的基础知识

5. 熟练的编程技能 (C语言、Labview以及Matlab等)

6. 出色的英语书面和口头交流能力

7. 工作积极主动,懂得自我激励和管理


1. 有半导体设备行业的工作经历和项目管理经验

2. 有机器视觉领域的工作经验

3. 有光机设计经验或者光学仿真软件的使用经验(Zemax或Code V等)






  1. 负责进行硅晶圆光学检测设备开发中的各项机械设计工作。有关产品开发工作既包括下一代新产品的研发和创新也包括当前产品的改进和维护。各项机械设计工作所涵盖的内容有:机械系统的动态设计和静态设计;用于产品安装和校准的机械工具的设计开发;产品包装的机械设计和测试;对各项新设计或设计变更进行可行性研究与分析;领导机械工程师完成零部件设计;领导测试工程师完成工装测试及原型组装;提供产品的各层装配图纸。

  2. 按照机械设计工作的流程完成以下工作:将设计要求转化为各项可实现的指标;对各种设计方案进行可行性分析;机械结构的有限元建模和分析;通过使用二维与三维机械建模软件进行零部件的概念形成与细节设计;原型零件的采购;设计原型的测试与改进;系统的组装集成;将产品设计图纸提交给工厂以进行批量生产。

  3. 为实现一种产品的解决方案提出各种可能的实现技术与方法并通过实验来评判各种技术的优劣。

  4. 负责起草诸如零件清单,工程设计变动,零件图纸等工程设计文档。

  5. 为工厂的组装工人提供产品的系统或子系统组装工作的现场支持;为系统工程师提供产品原型组装工作的现场支持。

  6. 带领和指导机械工程师在产品开发的时间节点内完成设计任务。

  7. 负责开发以及认证符合本公司要求的国内零部件供应商和机械加工厂商;并且需要和这些厂商及供应商紧密合作以实现在符合供货周期要求的时间内得到高品质的零件。


1. 具有机械或机械设计相关专业的本科学位。具有相关领域硕士学位者为佳。

2. 具备机械工程设计经验;该工作经历需要和半导体工业或光学领域相关。

3. 能够精通Pro/E、Solidworks和AutoCAD等机械建模、绘图软件的使用;熟悉机械工程分析和有限元分析软件的使用。

4. 熟悉诸如切削、钣金加工、焊接加工以及铸造等机械加工过程。

5. 拥有复杂机电系统(如机电运动平台等)的设计、开发以及维护工作经验的应聘者优先考虑。


Algorithm Engineer-Candela

Business Unit

The Candela Division product portfolio includes unique solution packages which are based on hardware and software systems to enhance yield and effectiveness for growing/emerging markets, such as manufacturing and LED industries. As a world leader in its field of expertise, the division's products are the most advanced in performance (measurement accuracy of nanometers and below), reliability, ease of use and compatibility with other KLA-Tencor's products.


We are seeking a highly talented individual for an algorithm engineer position in Candela. The successful candidate will join a world-class team of algorithm and software engineers to design advanced image processing algorithms used in Candela production. One major responsibility of the candidate is to invent new ideas, analyze the complex system, and formulate a mathematical solution that is practical for use in production. In addition, the candidate is expected to possess good oral and written communications skills to interact with other engineers and applications, locally or internationally, on a daily basis.

This position is located in Shanghai, China.

Preferred Qualifications

· Ph.D. or Master Degree in EE/CS or related fields

· Strong background in at least one of the following areas: image processing, applied mathematics, pattern recognition, and machine learning

· Excellent mathematical and analytical skills

· Proficient in C/C++ and object oriented programming

· Good oral and written communications skills

· Experiences in Matlab or other algorithm prototyping languages

· Experiences in source code control software, C++ code optimization

· Ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize work accordingly

Algorithm Engineer-FaST

Business Unit

The Film and Scatterometry Technology (FaST) Division provides industry leading metrology solutions for worldwide semiconductor IC manufacturers. The FaST Division portfolio of metrology products includes hardware and software solutions for optical film thickness, optical critical dimension (CD), composition, and resistivity measurement systems. These products are essential for the IC manufacturers as they provide critical metrology capabilities for the development and implementation of their advanced IC processes. The FaST division is committed to support our customers to achieve performance entitlement of our solution and we effectively partner with our customers from their early research and development phase to the high volume in-line manufacturing implementation specific for their process needs. The division consists of a global team located in US, Israel, China, and India.


· The candidate will be responsible for developing and improving algorithms, measurement capabilities, system optical models, calibrations development, and analysis tools for optical metrology applications.

· Works on complex problems that impact the design success of current products or addresses broad design issues of future products or technologies. Tasks include: define future product development strategy, develop a problem statement, research into particular solutions, develop code, and test prototypes; design, code, and test/integrate into tool product software.

· This position is located in Shanghai, China.

Preferred Qualifications

· PhD in Computational Physics or related areas

· Proficiency in C++ and object oriented design is a must.

· Strong background in at least one of the following areas: scientific programming with strong working knowledge in nonlinear optimization, statistical data analysis, computational geometry, or computational electromagnetics (field theory)

· Knowledge of optical modeling, scatterometry and metrology is a big plus.

· Industrial experience is highly desired

· Good oral and written communications skills



Job Title: Product Development Engineer

Work Location: Shanghai, China


Responsible for providing high level applications support of overlay and litho critical dimension metrology systems.

Job responsibilities include:

Work closely with many organizations including engineering, sales and marketing within K-T and with customer engineers outside K-T.

Conduct new product introduction projects, e.g. product characterization, alpha testing, beta testing and pilot tool support in the ramp phase.

Provide escalation support to onsite field service engineer; leading and coordinating remote/local troubleshooting;

Perform experiments to characterize tool/subcomponent performance and develop recipes to model complex optical applications;

Provide application support and training to customers. Applications engineer is also responsible for generating best known method (BKM) documents and other training materials and transferring product knowledge to K-T's worldwide Field Applications team.

In addition, applications engineer will manage in-house customer demonstrations and head-to-head (H2H) activities at customer facilities.

Worldwide travel (more than 50%) is required to support products.


Candidate must have MS, or PHD in Physics, or related engineering fields, such as optics, materials science, and microelectronics. Previous experience in IC processing/Semiconductor equipment is a plus. Good project management, leadership, and interpersonal communication skills needed. Candidate must be self-driven and independent working capable, meanwhile a strong team player.

Job Title: Software Development Engineer

Work Location: Shanghai, China


1. Design, develop, operate, maintain, and document software and firmware components and computing systems software to be applied to engineering, scientific, and manufacturing requirements.

2. Apply and use the appropriate standards, processes, procedures, and tools throughout the software system development life cycle to support the generation of such engineering applications used for semiconductor equipment.


1. BS/MS in software Engineering.

2. Be familiar with equipment measurement and control s/w, having experience in Algorithm design and programming.

3. 1+ years software design experience, the ability to edit the software design document Proven records at least on 2 projects.

4. Expert on C++ language under Windows Platform, COM and STL.

5. Be familiar with S/W process. Experience on Hardware control is preferred.

6. Must be a quick learner; be able to work under high pressure.

7. Be a good team member, co- work with other members to deliver the project on schedule.

8. Good Verbal and Written English, this position will have to travel to U.S.A.

Job Title: Product Development Engineer, OCD

Work Location: Shanghai, China

Job Description:


Responsible for providing high level applications support of complex multi-layer thin film measurement and Optical Critical Dimension measurement systems. Includes projects related to new product introduction: characterization, alpha testing, beta testing and pilot tools in the ramp phase. Providing escalation support to onsite field service engineer; Leading and coordinating remote/local troubleshooting; Performing experiments to characterize tool/subcomponent performance; Developing recipes to model complex optical applications; Providing application support and training to customers directly. In addition, application engineers will manage in-house customer demonstrations and head-to-head (H2H) activities at customer facilities. Applications is responsible for generating best known method documents and other training material and transferring product knowledge to K-T's worldwide Field Applications team.

Work closely with many organizations including engineering, sales and marketing within K-T and with customer engineers outside K-T.

Worldwide travel (on average 50%) is required to support products.


Candidate must have MS, or PHD in Physics, Optics, Engineering or related fields. Having a background in IC processing/Semiconductor equipment is a plus. Must have excellent communication, organizational, analytical, leadership, and interpersonal skill. Candidate must also be self-driven, yet a strong team player.

Job Title: Electrical Engineer

Based in Shanghai, China

Job Description:


Job purpose: Low noise analog circuit design, motion control systems design.

Key Responsibilities:

-Low Noise analog circuit design

-Motion Control Systems design

-Prepare documentation such as schematic diagrams, test procedures, theory of operation,purchased part lists ,instruction manuals and related information

-Maintain current knowledge regarding new developments and trends in applicable field

Selection Criteria:

-Knowledge and application of electrical engineering principles, practices and techniques

-hands-on experience in using Complex Programmable logic arrays and microcontrollers

-strong hands-on electronic design and troubleshooting skills

-familiarity with OrCAD Schematic Capture and Layout design tools

-Solid C/C++ and ASSEMBLER Programming skill

-Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English

Education and Experience Required

-MSEE or above

Job Title: Mechanical Engineer

Based in Shanghai, China

Job Description:


Job purpose: Supporting product release including develop new tool and features, continuously improving existing products.

Key Responsibilities:

-Responsible for static, dynamic design, and analysis of mechanical systems, equipment, tooling and packages for current/next generation optical wafer inspection systems. Conducts feasibility studies and testing on new and modified designs. Direct support personnel in the preparation of detailed design, design testing and prototype fabrication. Provides design information to drafting for assembling documentation.

-Responsible for complete design process, including requirements specification, feasibility studies, analysis and FEA modeling, conceptual and detailed design using 2D/3D solid modeling tools, detail drawings, procurement of prototype parts, prototype testing, system integration, and handoff to manufacturing

-Exercises judgment within generally defined practices and policies in selecting methods and techniques for obtaining solutions.

-Responsible for generating documentation (BOM, ECO, assembly drawings) required to release the design to manufacturing.

-Hands on support product system/subsystem installation and assembly prototype with assistance from manufacturing assemblers or system engineer.

-Direct and support mechanical engineer to complete the design tasks on schedule

-Responsible for identifying and qualifying KT local suppliers, closely work with supplier and vendor to deliver high quality parts on time.

Selection Criteria:

-At least master degree in mechanical, equivalent.

-Proficient with solid modeling tools (Pro/E, Solidworks, AutoCAD, etc), engineering analysis tools and FEA tools.

-Familiar with manufacturing processes including machining, sheet metal fabrication, welding fabrication and castings

-Experience in design, developing and sustaining of sophisticated electromechanical assembly like stage assembly are advantageous.

-Solid background in the areas of optical-mechanical, structural dynamics, vibration will be a big plus.

Education and Experience Required

-MSME or above

Job Title: Algo Engineer

Based in Shanghai, China

Job Description:

We are seeking a highly talented individual for an algorithm engineer position in reticle and photomask inspection division (RAPID). The successful candidate will join a world-class team of algorithm and software engineers to design advanced image processing algorithms used in next-generation photomask/reticle inspection. One key qualification of the candidate is the ability to invent new ideas, analyze the complex system, and formulate a mathematical solution that is practical for use in production. The candidate is expected to possess good oral and written communications skills to interact with other engineers and applications, locally or internationally, on a daily basis. This position is located in Shanghai, China.

Basic Qualifications:

- Ph.D. or Master degree in EE/CS or related fields

- Strong background in at least one of the following areas: image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning.

- Excellent mathematical and analytical skills.

- Proficient in C/C++ and object oriented programming.

- Good oral and written communications skills

- Ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize work accordingly

Preferred Qualifications:

- Knowledge in optics, computer architecture, or numerical methods

- Programming experiences in Linux/Unix environments

- Experiences in Matlab or other algorithm prototyping languages

- Strong linear system optimization, linear algebra background

- Experiences in source code control software, C++ code optimization

Job Title: System Engineer

Based in Shanghai, China

Job Description:



Need qualified candidate to join the engineering team and work on a variety of challenging projects ranging from new product design and continuous improvement design on current products to contribute to product release and manufacturing operations.


-The candidate will have a high level of ownership during the development of critical subsystems, from the concept design phase through product design, release and sustaining. The candidate will be expected to champion his/her technical solutions. This includes the potential of creating ECO and documentation as needed.

-Provide feedback on design changes by working closely with Development Engineering teams (M.E., E.E., and S/W Eng.) to influence design concepts/changes for improvements to existing or new products.

-Take lead role on many projects to define, scope, and provide input that results in rapid project completion or problem resolution. Develop product specifications using the appropriate statistical methods and modeling.

-Solve complex system interaction issues (e.g., optical and mechanical interactions on tool performance) with little or no guidance.

-Provide fly and fix support on field escalations for analysis/resolution on any issue requiring in-depth design know-how on the product. Travel time is expected to be up to 25%, both domestically and internationally.

-Support beta testing at customer sites.

-Support product manufacture, such as assembling, installation, final test, shipment.

-Support GSS responsibility, such as GSS NPI, documentation, customer site support etc.



-MS or PhD in optical, electrical engineering, physics, applied physics

-Experience in design and characterization of optical or electrical instrument.

-Hands-on person familiar with lab tools such as digital function generators, data acquisition system, oscilloscopes, lock-in amplifies, and XY motion system.

-Knowledge of semiconductor device and physics

-Experienced programming skills (C-programming, labview, matlab etc.)

-Strong English written and verbal communications skills.

-Self-motivated and self-directed.


-Experience in semiconductor equipment industry and project management

-Experience in machine vision system

-Experience of optomechanical design and using optics simulation tools (ZIMAX, Code V or other tools)

Job Title: Software Engineer

Based in Shanghai, China

Job Description:


The candidate will be responsible for providing design and support of the inspection system software. KLA-Tencor's RAPID division, a market leader in the photomask inspection business, is looking to recruit a highly motivated self-driven entry level Software Engineer to support the existing product lines and design cutting edge new products.

The successful candidate will be required to interact with multidisciplinary engineering teams including electrical, mechanical, optical, algorithm, and other SW teams to acquire in-depth domain knowledge and troubleshoot system problems.


· Strong technical skills in OOD/OOP, Linux and Gnu C++ development tools (especially compiler and debugger).

· Software SW diagnostic and troubleshooting skills are required.

· Multitasking and network programming experience are highly desirable.

· GUI design experience desirable. Qt experience is a plus.

· Linux administration knowledge. UML knowledge is a plus.

· Excellent English written and verbal communication skills.

· Basic Qualifications

o Master's Level Degree preferred. OR

o Doctorate


CS,Physics,Mechincal,EE ,Engineering related